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Final Exams-Manage the Stress

Final Exams. In high school, they were pretty nerve-racking. In college, they cause full blown anxiety. Being a perfectionist is really, really hard. This doesn't mean that I think I'm perfect by any means. This means that if I perform less than what I want, I beat myself up like crazy.

Final exams allow students to demonstrate their abilities at the end of the year. Easy enough, right? But if you're anything like me, you also have about a million other responsibilities. For example, my sorority just participated in Greek Week (which I plan), our new members are getting initiated tomorrow (Yay!) and on top of that, I was diagnosed with mono last week. To say that my plate is full would be an understatement. Although I only have two in-class final exams, I have been busy with multiple presentations and papers.

I know that I am not the only one that feels this way, and sometimes it can all seem like too much.

When you feel like you are on the verge of tears, it's important to remember a few things.

1. You are human!

Everyone makes mistakes. Literally, everyone. Nobody is perfect, and it's okay to fail.

2. You are worth it.

You are worth the effort, and you are worth the goals you are working towards.

3. College isn't just a degree.

College is about making memories with the people you love. You won't remember the B- you made on the test, but you will remember the special days with your friends.

Overall, your mental health is so important. Go take a walk, call your boyfriend or take a nap. I guarantee you'll be able to work harder and longer if you take care of your needs first.


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