Beneath the seemingly organized pink and gold folder, my life is in pieces. Between classes, work, sorority responsibility and sleeping I barely have enough time to organize myself. I am swimming in papers that need a home and laundry that needs to be done. In times like these, I always try to give myself a break. We are all human, after all. One of my favorite de-stressors is reading. Sitting in my University coffee shop, I am sipping on a hot cup of coffee and reading one of my favorite blogs:
Stethoscopes, Simplicity and Syrah
The blogger, Mary Ella, is a fashionable med student with killer photos and inspirational blog posts. I get excited every time she posts something new.
Reading blogs like these gives me an extra push because (Hopefully!) I will be in her (very fashionable) shoes one day.
Thinking about Med School just makes me so excited.