We all know that feeling.
The coffee isn't strong enough, the music isn't good enough and our beds are calling our names. The problem is-you have a paper due tomorrow and it's 2 o'clock in the morning. We aren't allowed to sleep, yet we can't seem to get into gear either. We are in a state of non-productivity and lack of motivation.
Personally, I experience this nearly every week. Nobody is perfect and sometimes it takes a little extra effort to get going in the afternoon, in the evening and at the wee hours of the morning.
Nearing the end of my freshman year of college, I have learned a thing or two about productivity, procrastination and motivation. I have a few tricks that work for me, and I hope that they might help you, too.
Tip #1: Find a drink you LOVE
At the beginning of college, I hated coffee. I'm not advocating for daily Starbucks, but sometimes you need a little pep in your step. Tea wasn't cutting it for me, and brewed coffee was a non-tasty no-go. Then, I found my holy grail.
Chai Tea Latte with Sugar-Free Mocha and Espresso
Now, I am admittedly a huge coffee addict. At least it tastes good. It's worth all of the late night "A" papers I've produced out of thin air.
Tip #2: Get some MUSIC
I cannot study in silence. My brain won't do it. I immediately start falling asleep without it. I got so bored with Pop and Rap that I spent more time looking for songs than actually studying. I heard a song by The Chainsmokers and was hooked immediately. Apparently, my brain likes EDM while studying. I can get lost for hours without thinking about it.
My current favorites include:
Don't Let Me Down-The Chainsmokers
Wild Things-Alessia Cara
Jaguar-What So Not
Tip #3: Use a Productivity Timer
I am so thankful that I found the Pomodoro timer for my computer. I wish they had it for IPhones, too. The Pomodoro Method of productivity uses a system that forces you to focus for 25 minutes and gives you a 5 minute break afterward. I downloaded it as an app from Google Chrome (for free!) and I can choose when to activate the timer. It blocks common distraction websites including Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Youtube. I cannot tell you how much more I get done when I turn on the app.
Sometimes you check your e-mail and five hours later you are watching a tutorial on winged eyeliner wondering where your day went.
Anyway. these are just a few things that can keep me going when the going gets rough. What are your favorite study methods and pick-me-ups?
See you soon!